Mods I know for a fact arent working are LW Toolbox and numerical health. Could some one kindly point me in the right direction? Because I would love to spend the rest of my saturday evening redownloading all my mods. I have no clue where or what folder to delete. So, I feel like this is my only option left. Is there a way to rid my xcom of all mods? I've googled a bit but I've read that unsubscribing doesnt delete the mods from my game folder. I've tried multiple tricks: unsubscribe, resubscribe, verify game data, ya know, all that fun stuff. Thanks again to every one who offered advice.
Everything, as far as I know, is working perfectly now. Lost my character pool but I wasnt too concerned about that. EDIT UPDATE: /u/Harlequin565 's advice worked perfectly.